Regarding cat_20_output_to_split, you need to query the corresponding CAT20 UTXO of the corresponding address, find the UTXO you want to split, and then concatenate it with the txId and outputIndex of the corresponding UTXO Query address reference (please replace tokenIdOrTokenAddr and ownerAddrOrPkh)
If you're using DotSwap's CAT20 deposit endpoint, you can use these 2 endpoints to split your deposited CAT20 tokens (aka "official CAT20", since they are in DotSwap's liquidity pool.)
When you first call the deposit endpoint /create_deposit_cat20_psbtv2, you can set the parameter not_split:true.
If the deposit is succesful, /create_deposit_cat20_order_by_psbt will return receiver_addr and txid.
Then, you can use the following parameters to call the split endpointPOST/brc20swap/get_split_cat20_psbts.
// These two parameters should be set to true by default
"is_ofc_token": true,
"is_average_split": true,
// This is the wallet you used for the deposit
"user_addr": "bc1psx048lgxx9qlgnw2yjn6vw7ndz07f5rdlfxraqpxkr84tqa7670sagd4k8",
"user_pubkey": "03c22e2f276e66c24e515b24a0c6bcf53852b046b31bbaf98d3f3075c005729691",
// The token to be split (keep the same as the token name you deposited)
"tick": "dog:b1071ae617c66050d518587f67564885ca1a618b387a15f84001e3fa244ef3d6_0",
// This is the txid + :1 returned by the deposit interface (:1 is fixed)
"cat_20_output_to_split": "3c92ae8ce3fd6377ac9316a28ded9ca5daef835dd3cf2613b8047c1ee9bbf530:1",
// This is the receiver_addr returned by the deposit interface
"token_addr": "bc1plsm7wgedgkguhk5xyllhyml2zstu0z7zs353hq7h6jlvu5puf4sqhc2l5t",
// The number should be greater than 4
"split_num": 5,
"fee_rate": 9
Other parameters are the same as those for get_psbt endpoint.stringrequired
curl -L \
--request POST \
--url '/brc20swap/save_split_cat20_psbts' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"Other parameters are the same as those for get_psbt endpoint.": "text",
"psbts": [