Data Queries

Get Mining Points

This endpoint allows querying user liquidity pool shares (lp), mining points (integral), and other data.

POST /brc20swap/manage_liquid_info

    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 15,
    "address": "tb1qge80xavle7c7k0tk7vceaavwcgpsr3jchl0w3e"
  1. The response includes a protocol field to indicate the type of pool (brc20, arc20).

Query Liquidity Operations History

This endpoint allows querying the history of user operations related to creating, adding, and removing liquidity pools. The txid can be used to query the on-chain transaction status in the mempool.

POST /brc20swap/liquid_history

    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 15,
    "address": "tb1qlphav0389832xt8deme0hx2unvw3cjt7fsfuyx"
  1. The response includes an array txs, where the txid field represents the transaction hash for querying transaction status. A status other than confirmed indicates the transaction is unconfirmed.

Liquidity Pool Information List

This endpoint allows querying the Total Value Locked (TVL) of pools.

POST /brc20swap/stat/trade_info_list

    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 8,
    "crypto_type": "btc"
  1. Values returned with _btc are in BTC units; otherwise, values are in USD.

  2. The TVL field includes pool_locked_amount_btc and pool_locked_amount.

Get Liquidity Pool Address by Token Pair

POST /brc20swap/get_liquid_address

    "tick1": "btc",
    "tick2": "yydd",
    "coin_type_1": "btc",
    "coin_type_2": "brc20"

Get Pool APR

POST /brc20swap/external/pool/apr

   "coin_type_2" : "runes",
   "tick2" :"MOLLY•GAME•N•B•C"

Last updated